More artwork to put up...

hopefully, tonight! I've got a few more cute works of art I'm planning to put up! I've started a new batch as well. Things are really going well now that we are back in a routine...I say this now, when the kids are off from school for an in-service day. I guess it's me, that's got into a good routine (doing 1-2 hours of art per day = a happy Emily). Little by little, as the saying goes.

On a side note, an energy saving light fell out of the socket and smashed in my basment. I aired it out for a few minutes. I'm sure it's from the kids running around on the 1st floor. However, could it have been a ghost? Some of my friends think I should go ahead and believe it was a ghost. I've suspected as much. Also, it was a miracle that Jon didn't step on it. He walked right by, turned to go back upstairs and thougt it was a smashed coffee cup. So, something was definitely guiding his footsteps. If it is a ghost, and I'm not saying it is, it must be a friendly one that watches out for us. :)

Of course, this made me reluctant to go into the basement to do some work. I'll probably go down there, anyway, and do some laundry. Plus, we have an exciting activity the kids will be doing this afternoon (homemade playdough) and I'll have time to do more sketching/art. :) More to come! :)


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